Women’s Circle Etiquette (for in-person Circles)

• The circle is for women born female only.
• Fee for the circle – Sliding Scale $20-$40
Sustaining – $40 plus
Supporting – $30 plus
Attending – $20 plus
Appreciative but Struggling – Less than $20

• Please do not bring your dog with you. Barking dogs in the parking lot disrupt circle.
• Please do not wear any fragrances to the circle. We have sisters with allergies.
• BRING WATER for yourself to drink. Trust me, you will need it.
• Arrive early for the circle. Be prepared to settle in your seat by the time the circle is set to begin.
• Turn off your phone and put it away. We are here to be present with each other.
• Turn off your Apple watch, Fitbit or other worn device that makes sound. We don’t want the circle to
be broken with various electronic beeps.
• Please arrive sober and stay sober throughout the circle. This includes abstaining from all forms of
cannabis & alcohol. To be clear I am only asking for sobriety during circle time.
•It is fine if you need to be picked up or dropped off by a male to the circle. Please ask them to NOT sit
immediately outside the building we gather in and wait for you. It can make other sisters
uncomfortable. I assure you we will keep you with us safe inside until your ride arrives at the end.
• Please pay attention to the circle leaders & facilitators and give them your respect. They have crafted
something for you to participate in. Please be present.
• Please do not damage or take any of the ritual supplies or altar goods brought to the circle.
Specifically, please do not put your drinks down on top of any tablecloths or altar clothes. If in doubt if
you can take something home, ask the circle leader.
• Please keep the silence when someone else is speaking. Cross talk and interrupting each other is from
the toxic, dominant culture. Let us respect our sisters by giving them the gift of deep listening.
Everyone wants to be heard truly and deeply.• Please be respectful of our shared time by not monopolizing the conversation or taking longer than
your turn speaking. Our time together is limited and it is up to each of us to make space for all women
to have room to speak.
• Please strive to be open minded, respectful, patient, understanding, honoring, compassionate and
nurturing to the women in the circle. We all wish to be treated well
during a sisterhood experience. We come together in the spirit of fierce & loving kindness, mutual
empowerment and sisterly support.
• Hold what your sisters say in circle in confidence. What is spoken in the circle, stays in the circle.
• It is always your right to “Pass” in circle if you do not wish to participate in any piece.
• It is okay to ask questions of the leader for further directions or clarity in circle.
• Please do not judge any woman’s voice or the content of her sharing. This includes yourself.
• Leave your fear at the door and step into this experience with an open heart and a discerning mind.
Critical thinking skills are your friend.