Bringing women together to heal, learn, and grow through Feminist Goddess Spirituality.
Goddess Within is a 501(c)3 Women’s Temple.
What is Goddess Within?
Goddess Within is a spiritual organization of women finding empowerment & connection through Feminist, Goddess Spirituality.
We come together to form sisterhood, to find the sacred within and to learn, heal & grow together.
We seek deep, meaningful & supportive connection with other women.
We work to release any and every idea from dominant culture that gets in the way of us realizing we are sacred and whole unto ourselves.
We practice positive ways to be genuine with each other.
We reflect our belief in our sisters to them so that they can find the truth inside their own souls.
In our circles we discover the innate wholeness, sacredness and sovereignty that is inside each of us and all women.
We find hope, compassion and spiritual connection with our sisters.
We agree to treat each other well and we strive to grow our spirals of support towards each other.
In Feminist Spirituality we name our deity Goddess.
- Goddess can mean the animating life force of the Earth Herself.
- Goddess can mean one deity who is whole unto Herself.
- Goddess can mean the multitude of ancient Goddesses from cultures across the planet.
- Goddess can be both the spark of divinity in you and the Great She Who is a Mystery.
- Goddess can be the the collective souls of the sisters you find in sacred circle.
YOU decide what Goddess means for you.
In circle we learn about harmful ideas that we have taken in that are still affecting us.
We talk about ways to shed those ideas that no longer serve us.
We strive to craft new and empowered ways to think of ourselves and those we care for.
We co-create a Fierce, Loving Sisterhood.
Fierce, Loving, Sisterhood

- We need fierce courage to help us step into a new experience.
- We need fierce clarity to realize how harmful the dominant culture of patriarchy is to women.
- We gain fierce freedom when we release those concepts that limit us.
- We gain fierce independence when we learn to honestly express our boundaries.
- We need fierce wisdom to seek a spiritual path that can help us grow our own sense of self.
- We commit to making change in ourselves & our shared culture through raising each other up, not tearing each other down.
- We recognize that women’s cultural power comes from collaboration, not competition.
- We will strive to view our sisters through a lens of compassion and cooperation.
- We are learning to see the Female Divine not only in others, but also in ourselves.
- We are learning to Love our selves and our sisters.
- We passionately defend women’s spaces, women’s culture, and women’s rights in our local communities and throughout the world.
- We celebrate the magick and power that occurs when we join together- in ritual, in learning, in healing.
- We commit to creating opportunities and spaces that ensure access to females regardless of our differences or circumstances.